Acupuncture is a method to stimulate the body to promote self healing. Sterilized, state-of-the-art stainless steel needles that are as fine as a strand of hair are inserted into specific acupuncture points. This triggers and alters various biochemical and physiological conditions to treat a variety of ailments.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine medical theory, illnesses arise when the cyclical flow of Qi in the meridians of the body are unbalanced or blocked. The acupuncture points are located along these meridians and connect to major organs. Different techniques performed on specific acupuncture points can re-balance or unblock the flow of Qi in the meridian system.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal formulas that have been used extensively for thousands of years and proven to work are a major component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Each herb contains relevant compounds with medicinal properties that are essential to treating specific illnesses. By combining and heating them at specific temperatures and times, these compounds undergo chemical reactions to form new medical compounds to treat the targeted ailments.
All of the herbal products we offer are sourced from China from regions where the herbs are grown with care and not treated with chemicals.
Cupping uses glass cups to draw out toxins from the body through controlled suction. The technique stimulates the flow of blood, lymph, and Qi to affected areas. The method is quite effective and celebrities and athletes such as Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps and NBA superstar Lebron James have all turned to cupping to treat their bodies. This technique can relieve muscle pain, especially back pain from stiffness or injury; clearing congestion in the chest, which can occur with common colds and influenza, and much more.
Tui na ("twee nah”) is a form of Chinese therapeutic deep-tissue bodywork. It stimulates the muscles and improves circulation in the body by targeting the body's meridians. Pressure is applied directly to affect the flow of Qi at different acupressure points, thus facilitating the healing process. Tui na removes blockages and keeps the energy and blood flow through the meridians as well as the muscles. The practice has gained international attention for its safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions. Tui na can be tailored for people of all ages, from children to seniors.